Future space articles

This article is a little teasing on future articles that I might write. After two articles on Kubernetes, I am going to switch to aerospace themed articles. Nonetheless, they will probably be fairly focused on software. Since a few years, I am getting more interested in space. Of course, I watched Scott Manley’s videos, played KSP, etc. But nowadays I like to design missions or spacecrafts with back-of-the-envelope estimations, perform computations and simulations. Read the 298 words...

Hello, world!

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog since a long time, and I finally took the time to think about it and set up one. The only thing missing now is content! Let me introduce myself and what my plans for this blog are (ie. what you might find here if you come back later). I will also quickly present the tech stack I am using, but I will probably make a more complete description in an upcoming article. Read the 638 words...