Kubernetes: why all this hype?

Since a few years, Docker and Kubernetes are very hot topics. Theses two technologies, and many other related technologies, are growing quickly. My goal in this article is to explain why Kubernetes is such a big deal. I will explain what is so important when maintaining software in production, that Kubernetes helps having. Before diving into technical details, and for those who don’t know Kubernetes or system administration, I will first go back a little in time and explain in simple terms what is needed to operate software in production in order to fulfill users expectations. Read the 1274 words...

How to design a Kubernetes cluster

TL;DR: There is no best architecture, it all depends on your requirements and resources Clusters with 1 to 3 nodes are good for testing, but for production you should have at least 5 nodes Feel free to do differently as I say Introduction Since its launch in 2015, Kubernetes is the new bitcoin and every company wants to migrate all its infrastructure (which is obviously made of hundreds of microservices) to show how cool they are. Read the 2215 words...